- Riders: T, OMMB
- Weather: nice
- Temp: 79
- Humidity: low
- Trail Conditions: great...mud is all dried up
- Technical Level: beginner/intermediate
- Hills: 20%
- Distance: 5 mi
- Bug Report: not too bad
- Pollen Level: high
- Wildlife Observed: headless squirrel - in the woods, you never know what might be waiting to eat your head! ("Hey Rocky, watch me pull your head out of my hat...whoops, wrong hat")
- Whoops, Yikes, and Oh Sheets: Oh Sheet by T, rocks knocked some of her balance, a little tree took the rest...off the bike in true Superwoman style into the spiders and bushes! Some awesome bruises to show!
- Notes: we reversed the loop to make things interesting...it worked a little too well.
Tidbits: fellow riders from the left coast will be joining me this week...wish them luck ;)
More pix...
Happy Trails,