Post Ride Vander-Blog...
Distance - 17.94 miles*
Elevation Start - 5950, Elevation End - 8550*
Temp - Cool to damn cold
So, what's my mantra when planning mountain bike rides? That's right, "Never trust Hector". Hey Hector, do you think there will be snow on the ground. Hector's reply, "maybe just a couple inches at the big deal". Hmmm.
We all made the drive to Frazier Park and parked slightly lower on the mountain than last year. Hector splained that this was easy and would prepare us for the "harder" part. Like anything will prepare you for a ride that starts at 6000 feet! That's all good except we went the wrong way. Fortunately, the natives become restless and let you know right away that you're "TRESPASSING ON PRIVATE PROPERTY". The only good thing about this detour is that it took us back to the cars so Tim could grab more clothing and a shock pump for Hector. Hector's front fork was apparently completely flat. Hmmm.
So we start the real ride and its nice, but then it gets steeper and we encounter a large tree across the trail. 5 minutes later we encounter our 1st patch of snow. By the 2nd patch of snow it becomes clear that overinflated mountain bike tires do not mix with snow and ice. We are subject to random hike-a-bike sections on all north facing or extremely open portions of the trail. After an hour or so everyone simply takes 10-15 psi out of their tires and things improve immensely...meaning most "snow/ice" sections can actually be ridden. After much slogging we all reach the Mt Pinos campground at 7800 feet. Fortunately the sun is out so we can all take our shoes off and thaw out. The only odd thing is that we don't see Scott anywhere. Well, after much searching, we find Scott on the road lamenting the fact that the trail ahead is littered with snow and impassable. Hector, Steve and Tim dubiously press on via the impassable route...which proves to be passable...sort of. Scott and Ron opt for the paved road. Tim is desperate to reach the top and end this cold punishment when he encounters sheet ice...too late. Like the proverbial sack o potatoes...he and bike go down on the ice 10 feet from the Mt Pinos summit parking lot. At this point Hector proceeds to remind Tim that we're not really at the top...but rather have 2 more miles of snow-laden road to climb. This proves too much for Tim's rapidly swelling hip and he bails to climb another day. Steve and Hector slog on to the summit...whilst Tim (suddenly fearful of snow/ice) takes the road back to the campground.
Upon reaching said campground Tim finds pathetic site of Scott and Ron shivering uncontrollably. All exchange knowing looks that somehow Hector has led them ride has turned from 'good times' to 'suffer-fest'. All agree waiting for Hector and Steve is a bad idea. Inclement weather approaching and lack of proper clothing validate this decision and descent was conducted rapidly. Tim finds that descending on snow/ice is much better than ascent so long as brakes are avoided. Tim would also like to thank large bush to the right of particularly nasty section for saving him from an unintended descent down side of mountain. Some stops are required, however, to ensure feeling returns to extremities. Tim reaches the cars and his cooler full of beer. However, ice-cold does not initially appeal when one cannot feel their fingers or toes. He conducts rapid change to warm clothes, pops two advil and then has a cold beer. Ron shows up a few minutes later...followed by Scott. But Hector and Steve are another 30 minutes behind having conquered the summit. Tim leaves early, eats giant burger at Carl's Jr and feels like a loser. Ron gets sick whilst Scott is already sick. Hector and Steve are clearly the heros of this story.
* According to 'imapmyride'
Tim V.
Stats and track by RoFo...
Tidbits from Hector...
According to NGS the top is 8847' and the Nordic Base (parking lot) is 8300'. The total trail distance from trail head to the parking-lot is approx 18 miles (plus 4 miles round-trip from the Nordic Base to the top).
And OMMB...
Miles: about 20 (10.25 ascent was tracked...minus .6 for the initial "sidetrack" 9.65 miles, all up)
Weather: clear, cold, and windy at the summit
Temp: 50 at trailhead, below 32 at summit (although I've been unable to find historical temp data)
Trail Conditions: Tim's report says it all!
Whoops, Yikes, and Oh Sheets: my whoops was basically a flop off the side of the trail when my front wheel stalled in some snow...tumbled down a small embankment, into some snow and 1 inch thorns, landing in a heap, with the bike on top of me. Some nice bruises resulted (had to show SOME damage after this epic hike-a-bike).
GPS Track (had to manually enter from last flag to summit, battery issues):
Every Picture Tells a Story: