- Place: Village Park
- Trailhead: Library
- Riders: Bob, Jeff, OMMB
- Miles: 4 then 3
- Temp: 40's
- Trail Conditions: slightly soft, not bad
- Whoops, Yikes, and Oh Sheets: whoops by me off the Abrams Rock Bridge (again), whoops by Jeff off the Abrams Rock Bridge, nice tangled mess. Whacked out my rear brake disk, Bob fixed it up with a fancy smancy tool at the shop in about 45 seconds.
- GPS Track (s):

Notes: Bob's goal was to track a potential race route. The route, which stuck to the outside trails to avoid crossroads, clocked in at 4 miles exactly. The second ride, for the fun of it, featured Leap 3 in reverse. Really not bad at all since the Trail Elves have cleaned it up.
Tidbits: New Teeter on Kennedy Plaza...it's a keeper!
Happy Trails,