..."Put your DNA in a Bottle and hold tight, but Lego if you have a Run In with anyone from the movie Halloween, they may look like a Hoover, but they are Unnamed Right Now, and you could end up beaten like a Dead Shed... that's no Foster's Folly." by Pete G.
Notes: This 8+ mile Big River loop featured some of the most fun and smooth-flowing single track I've ridden! Right from the start, Lego offered some cool off camber and ridge type trails, with some real live Lego thrown in for good clean fun. Run In and Hoover were no less scenic, with slick rock and boulder crossings. Nice views of a pond from a ridge above Hoover (you’ll know where the name came from soon enough). Really wished I had my usual camera in the Camelback, but that would have only extended this ride until dark. The namesake props on these “new to me” trails are worth a picture or two; I need to return. Halloween, Dead Shed, and Unnamed Right Now are all quick single tracks with occasional obstacles for optional challenges. A couple of plank bridges here and there too. On the return route, I made my way over to Foster’s Folly. What a blast, splits off Lower Spider towards Carr Pond, a naturally technical area with a few man-made “Foster’s Lager” inspired features! A must-see must-ride trail.
If all the trail names are unfamiliar to you, I could pass along the GPX and directions to the routes I followed, but per request of the trail masters, I’ll respect their desire not to publish directions at this time. Big River is still in a “legal” transition. Drop me an email, and I’ll pass along the route (if I like you).
Place: Big River
Trailhead: Exit 7 Park, miscellaneous, and Ride
Riders: OMMB
Miles: 8+
Weather: clear, windy
Temp: 40, but felt colder
Trail Conditions: perfect
Wildlife: just some scraggly woodsman roaming down an old farm road
GPS Track: will provide upon request
Happy Trails,