- Riders: T, Anna, Mark, OMMB
- Distance: GPS died, but from the map, about 7 miles
- Weather: only sunny while riding, otherwise rain all weekend!
- Temp: 70
- Humidity: high
- Pollen Level: low
- Trail Conditions: a bit wet for Bradbury, but good considering the rain
- Technical Level: intermediate
- Hills: 40% (sorry Mark!)
- Bug Report: plenty, couldn't stop for long ("hop, hop")
- Wildlife: chipmunks and red squirrels, cava, Gritty's ale, Dogfish IPA, etc. We know who doesn't have a wild life...Tammy the Ranger.
- Whoops, Yikes, and Oh Sheets: other than the occasional "whoooo", all had a clean ride
- Notes: we were lucky, the trails had been closed due to the rain. Tammy was considerate enough to open the park on Saturday. Go Tammy!
Tidbits: Great place for a camp/bike trip but be warned...they "strictly enforce the no alcohol policy" for Maine State Parks (we strictly enforced our right to consume alcohol in the State of Maine).
Happy Trails,
When it rains...it pours cava!