Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Trail Report...6/27/09

- Place: Bradbury State Park, Pownal ME
- Riders: T, Anna, Mark, OMMB
- Distance: GPS died, but from the map, about 7 miles
- Weather: only sunny while riding, otherwise rain all weekend!
- Temp: 70
- Humidity: high
- Pollen Level: low
- Trail Conditions: a bit wet for Bradbury, but good considering the rain
- Technical Level: intermediate
- Hills: 40% (sorry Mark!)
- Bug Report: plenty, couldn't stop for long ("hop, hop")
- Wildlife: chipmunks and red squirrels, cava, Gritty's ale, Dogfish IPA, etc. We know who doesn't have a wild life...Tammy the Ranger.
- Whoops, Yikes, and Oh Sheets: other than the occasional "whoooo", all had a clean ride
- Notes: we were lucky, the trails had been closed due to the rain. Tammy was considerate enough to open the park on Saturday. Go Tammy!

Tidbits: Great place for a camp/bike trip but be warned...they "strictly enforce the no alcohol policy" for Maine State Parks (we strictly enforced our right to consume alcohol in the State of Maine).

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