Friday, July 31, 2009

Trail Report...7/30 - Swansea, MA

- Place: Case Jr. High, Swansea, MA
- Riders: T & OMMB
- Distance: 4.7 mi
- Weather: clear
- Temp: 80
- Humidity: low (shocking)
- Pollen Level: low
- Trail Conditions: good
- Technical Level: intermediate
- Hills: 20%
- Bug Report: not too bad
- Wildlife: a chipmunk
- Whoops, Yikes, and Oh Sheets: nope
- Notes: some dingle-berries have cut trees down over some of the trails. looks like they are cutting property boundaries....oh boy.

Tidbits: there seemed to be some fussy sounding noises throughout the ride...but I'm sure it was only the squeaking from my bike (needs a tune up).

Plans: Second attempt for a group ride at Big River this Sunday permitting. Come one come all... even if you're a chump Yankee fan who prefers to golf over MTB!

Happy Trails,

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