Sunday, March 28, 2010

Trail Report - 3/28/10 - Big River East - West Greenwich, RI

- Trailhead: Hopkins Hill Rd Parking Lot
- Riders: Teri, Pat, Chris, OMMB and Spencer...Spenc? Bueller? Bueller? ...anyone?
- Distance: 5 plus a little miles
- Total climb: 2.5 miles (not as high as Spenc was last night)
- Weather: Clear and COLD (colder than ALL the beer Spenc dumped down is throat last night)
- Temp: 35 (something like those 35 ounce beers Spenc drank last night)
- Trail Conditions: attempted to stay on the higher no avail.  Some deep water and mud (muddy like Spencer's brain this morning)!
- Whoops, Yikes, and Oh Sheets: wasn't notified of any mishaps...close call when Patrick went barreling through the 15 inch deep stream attempting to pass OMMB...think not (there was as much water in that stream as Spenc had beer last night)!

Notes: With more impending rain (it was raining beers for Spencer last night), we were glad to kick off the Sunday Morning Group Ride this morning.  Some unexplainable sliced tire issue causing a bulge on OMMB's bike delayed our start, but we got a great ride in.  Although one rider short (hmmm), we worked through some real technical single track that offered rocks, mud, water, and hills.  We found some trails new to us on the far east side of the area...but of course Spencer didn't get to ride this, he was still na-nights. 

1) Chris has got some fast legs, he wants us to sign up for a race (but of course we would have to make sure it's scheduled around Spencer's sleepy time)
2) Teri did an awesome job keeping up with the boys today...great effort!
3) New Trail Quote by Chris & OMMB... "well that's a nice bulge you got"  "I've been waiting for someone to tell me that my whole life!"

Happy Trails,


Anonymous said...

Wow, you guys really missed me :) SOL

OMMB said...

We time you have a curfew!