Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Jacked - 12-13-11 - Swansea

Notes: Jesse was extremely happy to know he was joining me this morning...it's been a couple of weeks.  Didn't seem so cold when I threw the newly framed Roscoe 3 in the truck, but once on the trail, realized that it was quite chilly.  So chilly that Jack Frost left his creations all over the place!  Also left behind, one of the strangest sites I've seen...at the top of the first climb I found the remnants of a fresh campfire, still smoldering.  I'm guessing an early morning hunter was trying to stay warm before the sun came up (or some ancient Indian still lives out there).  Not cool leaving a fire with embers...gees.  I kicked it around some more to make sure it was out.   Well Jesse still felt the need to sit in nasty-ass puddles, getting full of mud. But now also had ice collecting on his fur! Part Husky...hmmmmm.

Jack's handywork

Fire by hunter, Indian, caveman, advanced raccoons...???

Tidbits: Just got through watching "Ride the Divide" recommended by Elf #2.  Awesome.  If you wish to attempt this, I know of someone looking for a partner!

Happy Trails,

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