Wednesday, August 18, 2010

"One map, one GPS, two lost boys, two mad girls" - 8/8/10 - Bradbury State Park - Pownal, Maine

- Trailhead: Campground (East Side)
- Riders: T, Anna, Mark, OMMB
- Distance: AM, 7.4 miles; PM, 3 miles
- Weather: nice...a little warmer than yesterday
- Trail Conditions: very dry, PM ride was VERY technical (the very limit of "ride-able")
- Whoops, Yikes, and Oh Sheets: PM ride on Knight Woods was exhausting, a couple of flop-overs by OMMB

AM Notes: The morning ride turned out to be one of the best technical runs we've had as a group!  Although T's bike decided that yesterday's flat wasn't bad enough, it started missing gears and was totally crap in the transmission department.  Nevertheless, we had an awesome ride.  Somewhere in the middle of the ride, Mark and I attempted to loop back up to the top of a steep downgrade for the video, but turned out actually following some out and back loop we've never ridden. We got all crossed up when trying to return and ended up further away from the girls who were waiting back at the hill.  Some 20+ minutes later, we found our way back to a couple of very "perturbed" girls!! (whoops! chuckle-chuckle).  Today's ride went something like this... south down Knight Woods (markers 51, 60, 63, to 59). Then down and up a favorite hill challenge from 59 to 58.  We then scooted up to our destination, Fox East at 64.  The usual very muddy technical trail was nice and dry, with new bridges along the way to avoid erosion.  They did a great job with all the new bridges in the park. Marker 67 is just after the drop off hill, where Mark and I headed off on the loop that ends at 66.  We somehow get off that trail in the wrong direction...nuff said, my bad.  Bearing right off Fox East we took Ginn at 68 all the way up to 71.  GREAT section of trail. Down Ginn to Ragan/Lanzo where the group decision was to do the out-and-back loop at 83. Anna, who felt she was on a roll, tore up the whole loop without a stop!  The rest of us kept typical group formation and daydreamed about the beer (I mean liquid carb) we were going to have at lunch!  Great ride deserved a great lunch break... 


PM Notes:  I managed to drag Mark along to the Knight Woods 2.5 mile "O" Trail which we've never tried.  Five minutes in and we were glad the girls chose not to join was nasty!  Mean boulders with roots on them, 90 degree angled switchbacks, logs, rocks the size of ROUS's, and steep up and downgrades. It really KICKED our already tired asses!  I gave Mark several opportunities to bail out to smoother ground, but like a trooper, he wanted to push on (damn him!) :)
Tidbits:  We've finally covered all but a few of the trails here... TBR are East Side from marker 62 to 57 and the whole 66 to 67 loop, on the West Side Tote Road/Northern Loop from 17 down to 2, Switchback, and Boundary.

Happy Trails,

"Roaring over bridges!"

"No map-o...going shopping!"

"Don't leave 2 pretty girls in the woods!!!"

"Oh look a bridge!"

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