Wednesday, November 17, 2010

"Better chance on a lawn tractor" - 11/16/10 - Swansea, MA

- Riders: Bob, Matt, OMMB
- Miles: 7-ish
- Weather: light rain
- Temp: 55
- Trail Conditions: a bit slick
- Wildlife: just a friendly little Jack Russell...decided she didn't like Matt's socks and nipped at him, pulling his sock down...little bee-atch.
- Whoops, Yikes, and Oh Sheets: Matt said he was having a bad day (some minor whoops) and I had a couple of slide outs.  Blame it on the wet conditions.

Notes:  Never fails...when I ride with these guys I feel like a slug.  If I were on a lawn mower, I think I'd have better luck keeping up with them.  Matt provided moral support by stating, "you'll get faster by riding with faster riders". I hope that means I'll still be allowed to join they can rest while I catch up!

Tidbits:  Night ride at Massasoit on Thursdays...6:30. 

Happy Trails,

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