- Place: Weetamoo Woods, Tiverton RI
- Trailhead: Lafayette Rd off Route 77
- Riders with OMMB: none
- Miles: 7.25
- Weather: perfect
- Trail Conditions: very dry, plenty of rock gardens, good workout
- GPS Track: GPX File
Notes: What's nice about my dental appointments is that my dentist is located very close to Weetamoo Woods, making it way to convenient to go for a post dental ride. I suppose I could always plan to ride here, and schedule a pre-ride dental appointment, but that would be just weird. Anyway, headed for the trails on the north end, where there's really only one decent track over some cool terrain, but finding your way out of there down the east side now lands you in a maze of new home developments. Not worth it. Stick to the documented trails, maps can be found at several kiosks.
Tidbits: North Conway anyone? Looking forward to hiking and checking out some of the new Moat Mountain Trail System.
Happy Trails,