Sunday, August 16, 2009

Trail Report...8/14/09 - Case Jr High

- Place: Swansea, MA
- Riders: Anna, Mark, OMMB
- Distance: 3.8 mi (same loop as 8/11)
- Weather: Partly Cloudy
- Temp: 77
- Humidity: 66%
- Trail Conditions: moderate mud
- Technical Level: intermediate
- Hills: 20%
- Bug Report: moderate
- Wild life: G&T's, Beebop Burritos
- Whoops, Yikes, and Oh Sheets: good clean ride, just a few "wooo's"
- Notes: Intended to ride here on Thurs but re-planned due to the rain. T got stuck babysitting the howling lab and M&A were gracious enough to wait for the late arriving OMMB (thx!). Haven't grown tired of this place yet, we rode a nice loop for the time slot.

Tidbits: Mark rode (rid?) road and trail today...AND still had energy for G&T's! (go figure)

Happy Trails,

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