Thursday, August 27, 2009

Trail Report...8/26/09 - Case Jr High

- Place: Swansea, MA
- Riders: OMMB
- Distance: 4.5 miles
- Weather: nice
- Temp: 70
- Humidity: low
- Trail Conditions: good
- Technical Level: beginner
- Hills: 10%
- Bug Report: low
- Wildlife: too dark to see anything but shadows
- Whoops, Yikes, and Oh Sheets: nope
- Notes: OMMB took a late ride and realized that ATK was right about bringing lights...can't believe the daylight is dwindling already! Ventured to some outer loops (yeah, great idea in the dark...NOT!)

Tidbits: would be a cool place for a night ride (with lights that is, wasn't so cool without them)

Happy Trails,

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