Thursday, August 27, 2009

Trail Report...8/27/09 - Big River Middle

- Riders: T, OMMB
- Distance: 7 miles
- Weather: nice
- Temp: 75
- Humidity: low
- Trail Conditions: great
- Technical Level: intermediate
- Hills: 15% - Bug Report: nope
- Wildlife: a gaggle of bikers (including chicks)
- Whoops, Yikes, and Oh Sheets: all was good until OMMB whooped off a plank on mile 6.8
- Notes: when we got to the trail head, we realized it was Thur...organized rides gather here each Thur evening...whole LOT of cars parked everywhere...but really no one to be seen on the trails until we looped back...straight into a group of 30 MTBs (and a dog). The ride was good, we ventured out to different trails for some "investigating". We discovered a cemetery, a historical site (huh?), and an old time safe (how often do you see that in the middle of the woods...very suspicious).

Tidbits: yep, MTN bike chicks. Six including T. And T was ripping up the trails today (OMMB was worn out).

Happy Trails,

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