Sunday, June 27, 2010

Trail report - 6/27/10 - Kingdom Trails VT - Day 2

"Epic Kingdom"

Trailhead: Mountain View Farm (field at top of East Darling Hill Rd)
Riders: T, OMMB
Miles: 15 plus miles
Temp: 73

Trails we rode: (map)
Morning Ride: 4.5 miles
- Loop north to Cupcake
- Coronary to Coronary Bypass down to Pastor’s Loop
- Around Pastor’s Loop to Pastor’s Point (really enjoyable technical single track, many ups and downs with roots)
- up Coronary (enough said) back to Loop South
- Loop up to the field "parking lot" for lunch

Fueled up with peanut butter and Nutella sandwiches, Cliff bars, and Grandma T's Special Trail Mix…oh and can’t forget the BBQ kettle chips!  Quite an all day tailgate party going on at the parking field...good fun.

Afternoon Ride: 10.5 miles
- Headed back out (south) on Loop to Bemis
- Jumped onto the recommended Tap and Die…awesome, hilarious, fun trail
- South down River Run
- Onto Webs (highly recommend all trails named Webs) through real nice pine forest and back to River Run
- Stopped at a sandpit clearing and saw what looked to be a coyote massacre!  Turns out it was some very young coyote pups sound asleep for their afternoon nap.  Blowing a whistle got them to stir, so it appeared all was well.  Another couple told us there were more coyotes that went into the woods, guessing it was the adults keeping watch. 
- Out to Dry Feet then Violets Outback
- Took the 2nd Hog Back right (there is two) and quick left up hill to find Sidewinder
- Sidewinder (only one way allowed, down) was worth the climb. HUGE half-pipe sized switchbacks that made for a roller coaster ride without the safety requirements!!!! CRAZY awesome trail.
- What goes down, must go up
- Switchbacks up West Branch for the climb back to Violet’s Outback worked out pretty well (we stopped for a food break along the way)
- Got to a crazy intersection with lots of trails,  we decided on Old Webs (south side) up to the Chapel…amazing views
- Headed down to Darling Hill Road and crossed to Jaw
- Headed north on Jaw…FREAKY bridges most of the way… one was 390 feet and got thinner as you traveled it….somebody’s idea of a very sick joke! (or did they run short on wood during construction?)
- Starting feeling pretty kicked so we found most direct trail north, up Maxilla to Sugar Hill and VAST
- Once we climbed Bill Magill we decided it was quitting time…kicked!
- Took Bill Magill out the gate towards The Wildflower Inn and trucked north on the beautifully scenic road back to the parking lot

Many, many, many more trails to cover here…so we WILL be back!!! There are HUGE sections of trails we did not touch!  Not to mention the whole Burke Mountain side of the Kingdom. Could take at LEAST three more full days of riding!

Download the Google Earth File for the whole weekend of epic riding.

Back at the campsite we had the best tasting pasta and bottle of wine a biking couple could have! (followed by an Ibuprofen Parfait)

Happy Trails,


Scenes from our campsite...

And... the movie...

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