Saturday, April 2, 2011

"Still no Spring green" - Swansea, MA

- Trailhead: Colt Jr High
- Riders: OMMB and his fearless four legged friend
- Miles: 5.5
- Weather: clear
- Temp: all the way up to my age
- Trail Conditions: sloppy soft, not as much mud and water as last year, but wet from snow and rain
- Wildlife: Just Jack.  (Lucky is a Jack Russell Terror-er that bites rider's ankles and larger dogs...she may not be around long if she bites the wrong dog...just sayin).  Jesse was indifferent about the harassment, Lucky eventually calmed down.
- Whoops, Yikes, and Oh Sheets: one whoops...
  • Situation: on a slight incline, rode too close to a stump
  • Issue: left foot is stuck between crank-arm and stump
  • Synopsis: slow long flop over to the left onto branch infested log that was once joined to stump
  • Result: two very choice swears, as a branch jams into left side
  • Corrective Action: clamber off log and bike, yell some more swears, straighten seat
  • Lessons Learned: increase situational awareness, don't ride too close to stumps

Notes: Slipped slopped looped half the outer loop on the other side of the power lines.  Seemed pretty sloppy on the bike today, maybe due to the soft trail or just trying to push the pace.  I keep thinking that Spring is here and all the drab foliage will soon be green again...but no sign of it. humph.

Tidbits: The outdoor shower is now OPEN and ready for all we need is some muddy riders!  HELLLLOOO????

Happy Trails,

PS - Jesse seems fine after breaking his leg yesterday...funny how that stuff always happens on April Fool's Day! 

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