Saturday, April 20, 2013

Four For Five

    Notes: Yes, 4 great rides this week. Given the events in Boston, starting with the senseless bombing at the Boston Marathon by a couple of maggots, I haven't been inclined to write any trail reports.  Will this be the last of terrorist attacks in America? Sadly no. But I can say, I am happy that...  1) Most people do not let religious or political extremism drive them to hurt innocent people.  2) Most people know that evil will always be defeated. 3) We live in a country where we're allowed freedom of thought and religion, without persecution. And 4) we have the police, military, and security forces to defend our freedom and bring extremists to justice (as disheartened as I felt about the bombings, I was just as proud that we had the means, provided by our city, state, and federal governments, to track down the cowards)
    As for my trail activity...

    1) Monday, perfect riding weather, 9 miles with the "Old Guys" and the "Thunder From Down Under" Chris W, at Big River Hopkins Hill...

    2) Tuesday, perfect riding weather, 7.5 miles with Jesse K9, Bob, and Al at Village Park...

    3) Thursday, perfect riding weather, 8.5 miles with the "Old Guys", at Big River Greasy Joe's...

    4) Friday, perfect riding weather, 12 miles with the "Old Guys" at Big River Hopkins Hill...

    Happy Freedom Trails,

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