Friday, October 8, 2010

"Esruoc lairt emit" - 10/6/10 - Village Park - Swansea, MA

- Trailhead: library
- Riders: T, OMMB
- Distance:  3.5 miles
- Temp: 67
- Weather: clear and dry
- Trail Conditions: mostly dry
- Wildlife: oh dear two deer
- Whoops, Yikes, and Oh Sheets:  a whoops by T.  She flopped over when hung up on a rock crossing, all good.

Notes: This bright thing formed in the sky, so after work we couldn't resist going for a ride!  We decided, for the fun of it, to run the time trial course in reverse.  This always results in a very different trail look, we had a good time!

Happy Trails,

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