Friday, March 2, 2012

Quiet and Calm in the Village...and Texas

Notes: Bob and I tracked 8.5 miles of elongated loops through Village Park. Well Bob actually tracked the route with his cool little Garmin 200, since my Endomondo app thought we were riding somewhere in Texas. It was calling out mile laps up to 20 every few mintues. App off please. The woods were eerily quiet, not a sound, no wind, no Jesse Dog and his reindeer bell, no birds, nothin.  Although we had to move quite a few trees and branches, so must have been nasty here over the past couple of days (wind, rain, and snow storm). I felt a bit sluggish but thankfully Bob kept a nice recreational pace, pulling me along for the whole ride with very few stops. The trails had a covering of light snow and were still somewhat hard from the overnight freeze, but there were some areas with puddles and mud.  Tomorrow's rain will tip that to muddy puddles advantage.

Real GPS track
Lame app track in Blue

Tidbits: I inquired about the land off Rte 6, behind the Martin House historical site, but the Chair for the Martin House Farm said that it's posted due to issues with hunters back there.  Good news is, they don't own the land with Margaret's and Devil's Rock.  So I still need to stop by the Town Hall for info....stay tuned.

Happy Trails,

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