Saturday, September 25, 2010

Trail Report - 9/20/10 - Village Forest - Swansea, MA

Weather was a nice 67 degrees so T and I went to the typical Swansea Library loop to run the Time Trials course.  I was hell bent on trying the course on the HiFi, hoping that after the epic rides out west, I would have some steam to match my time on the Kona.  T just felt like going for a I started on the course first, with her close behind.  I had recommended that she skip loop 1 and head to loop 2 in order to synchronize our finish.  The theory would have worked but some jamoke had moved a boulder, with orange arrow, in the wrong direction.  T, not knowing exactly where the course leads, got sidetracked.  I flew by her while yelling "this way!".

I came in at the same time as previously clocked on the Kona, 26 minutes.  Time could be a little skewed due to running into some horse's ass (three in fact) along the trail. What the hell is this, national ride a horse week?  Anyway, I watched the clock while waiting for the horses to clear the trail and decremented 2 minutes from my total time.  Surprisingly I matched the Kona 29er, since I know it's a faster bike.  Go HiFi! 

Good little ride, 3.5 miles for me, 3 miles for T.

Happy Trails,

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