Saturday, March 5, 2011

"Hopeless Trail Junkie" - 3/5/11 - Swansea and Rehoboth, MA

- "Trail"head: Bikeworks, Swansea, MA
- Riders: OMMB and about 14 others
- Miles: 27.4
- Weather: cloudy/damp
- Temp: 45
- "Trail" Conditions: blacktop with some sand and slush crossings

Notes: In case you haven't figured it out yet, wait, hold your breath, yes...OMMB hit the road with the street gang from Bikeworks today.  Something I hadn't done in roughly 12 years.  I followed the group that took the shorter route back and secured a second to last finish (the quality of riders with Bikeworks never ceases to amaze me!).  So what prompted this fall from trail grace?  Bottom line, the local conditions have been crap.  Got to admit that riding the road sure beats peddling on a trainer in the shed. But my heart still lies with the trails. Bikeworks gang set me up with a borrowed road bike, which was truly awesome and I'm extremely appreciative.  Even though the constant pace of road riding has a huge benefit over trails, I'm just not hooked on it.  Another plus is the camaraderie amongst the riders in the group, which is quite entertaining.  This of course is only true if you are strong enough to stay on the rear wheel of most of the riders.  Because when you fall behind, fighting the wind on your own, road biking can be one of the lonliest activities imaginable. 

Happy Trails,

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