Friday, July 30, 2010

"Who lives in Hortonville" - 7/29/10 - Swansea Rain Forest - Swansea, MA

- Trailhead: Swansea Library
- Riders: OMMB
- Distance: 8+ miles (late satellite lock on the GPS, straight line of the Google shot)
- Temp: 83
- Weather: HUMID
- Trail Conditions: wet from this morning's rain, but no issue
- Wildlife: 2 deer (an Indian could live forever in these woods...oh wait, wrong again)

Notes: Pretty much a repeat of yesterday's ride, but took the express route out to where I wanted to "investigate". I shot straight north on the power lines, but you would have thought I ended up on the equator.  I started to wonder if old guys should really be riding in this weather!  After crossing the second tar road (Hailes Hill then Cummings Road), I found the single track I was looking for.  It's predominately kept clear by quads, but it's not destroyed and made for a good ride.  There were a couple of Hike-a-Bike dry stream crossings but that was the only ob-stacle. Crossed the Cole River without knowing it...real dry! There seems to be some loops here, but I think it's mostly an out-and-back ride.  I crossed a dirt road, which I found out was Swansea Water Dept land, and kept following the single track before turning kept going, but not me, I was too hot and tired.  I took the dirt road back to tar and ended up in what seemed like the was actually Hortonville (some cross between Dr. Suess's Horton and Whoville I guess).  Nice old area.  A couple of lefts on the tar (seemed harder to ride than trails, weird) and I was back at the power lines.  South to connect to the loop from yesterday, then back to my 2-do's at home.

Tidbits:  Patrick's playing at Passim Friday cool is that!!!

Happy Trails,

PS-I noticed my track on Google is a little skewed South and East (North is to the right due to the elongated track), I wonder if I can fix that?

PPS-If anyone finds the time to ride, give me a call.  I can usually accommodate any day or time!

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